I love oysters


There’s lots to love about the Delmarva Peninsula. Currently Cambridge, MD is my favorite. I’m dreaming about visiting next year. (My toe feels good most of the time.)

I love this mural on Race St. It’s a mosaic. Jen Wagner created the mural showing Cambridge’s history with community members. Whenever I’m in Cambridge I visit this mural in a small square off Race St.


Maryland Fleet Week 2016


During my lunch break I seized the opportunity to enjoy super weather and Fleet Week. These sailors from the HMCS Athabaskan gladly took a photo with me. Docked at the pier in Fells Point, this is your last chance to visit the Canadian Navy’s flagship destroyer. She’s being decommissioned in spring 2017.

Let’s dance at the Crusiers concert Sunday.

Want to know more about Maryland Fleet Week 2016. Here’s the schedule.


Sitting in the park, people watching, and making small talk with strangers: some of my favorite things to do in Baltimore’s Mount Vernon.

I found this lion in my old photos. (I’m still recuperating from the broken toe.) He’s one of many varied statues in Mount Vernon Park, four squares that surround the Washington Monument.

Architecture buffs, city planners, and history buffs may enjoy a tour.

I’m getting the urge to visit again soon.

Becoming a water rat

Swimming….I love it. Pools are OK.

I’m home when I’m swimming in natural water.

A toddler in the early 1960’s….the ocean….splashing in the waves at Rockaway Beach. We summered in a rented bungalow on Beach 98th St. half a block form the subway and half a block from Playland. I lived in paradise all summer long.

In 1968 during day trips to Rockaway Beach, Dad taught us to body surf. Body surfing….free….easy….fantastic.

My brother, his friends and I competed for longest rides. We traded war stories about scraped chests. In 1971 I learned to check that my bikini top was in the right place.

“Mom, can I go to the beach with my friends?” Mom sighed, “if your sister goes.” And later, “take your little sister.” Summers in junior high and high school meant 2 hour subway rides each way to Rockaway Beach.

While there are no waves in the Chesapeake Bay, my go to spot is 20 – 3o minute drive and I feel free….easy….fantastic.

Remember these?

I grew up in NYC.

During the early 1980’s I worked and went to college.

My commute home to Ridgewood often meant walking a long underground tunnel between 7th Ave (the 1,2,3 IRT Line) and 6th Ave (the LL..now L…BMT Line).

Seeing Keith Haring’s chalk drawings in that tunnel made me smile, grin, and giggle. I loved them. I think lots of people loved them. People, other taggers, left them alone. The drawings lasted until the subway workers put up posters or new black paper.

This post resultd from remembering the way no one believed my stories of seeing black and white Keith Haring art in that tunnel. Really people!

Here’s Keith’s own words:

“One day, riding the subway, I saw this empty black panel where an advertisement was supposed to go. I immediately realized that this was the perfect place to draw. I went back above ground to a card shop and bought a box of white chalk, went back down and did a drawing on it. It was perfect–soft black paper; chalk drew on it really easily.”

So I forgive the naysayers.

Keith Haring Art in the Subway in Black & White


Broken toe

Yikes! Wading into the Chesapeake Bay yesterday I hit my toe on a rock. It’s broken.

The day trip to NYC to see the Stuart Davis show at the Whitney is cancelled. It’s too much walking. I feel sad.

All is not lost…..I will see the show when it travels to the National Gallery of Art in Washington.

Hooray ! Stuart Davis in Washington, DC